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How To Choose The Right Wedding Flowers

By December 13, 2023No Comments

How to Choose the Right Flowers for My Wedding?

Wedding Table Flowers

Introduction: A Blossoming Tale of Love and Tradition

In the heart of every wedding lies a story, a tapestry woven with threads of tradition, culture, and personal tales of love. Flowers, in their silent beauty, have been the narrators of these stories for centuries. As a florist with a passion for both blooms and history, I invite you to delve deeper into this floral saga, where each petal and leaf holds a secret of the past and a promise for the future.

Chapter 1: The Enchanted Lexicon of Flowers

  1. Orchids – The Exotic Balladeers: Let orchids sing the exotic ballads of your love, symbolizing luxury, beauty, and strength.
  2. Hydrangeas – The Sages of Emotion: With their voluminous heads, hydrangeas tell tales of heartfelt emotions, gratitude, and understanding.
  3. Gardenias – The Whisperers of Purity: Gardenias, with their creamy white petals and intoxicating fragrance, whisper secrets of purity and joy.
  4. Dahlias – The Painters of Diverse Stories: The dahlia, in its myriad forms and colors, paints diverse stories of dignity and elegance.

Chapter 2: Crafting a Floral Masterpiece – The Art of Budgeting

  • Consider the visual impact versus cost; sometimes fewer, larger blooms create a more striking effect than a multitude of smaller flowers.
  • Integrate unconventional elements like feathers, berries, or even vegetables for an eclectic, personalized touch.
  • Explore the world of silk or dried flowers for long-lasting, often more budget-friendly options.

Chapter 3: Thematic Florals – Painting Your Love Story

  • A Bohemian theme might feature a tapestry of wildflowers, pampas grass, and succulents.
  • For a classic, elegant affair, think of monochromatic schemes with lush white blooms like gardenias and orchids.
  • A rustic theme can be beautifully portrayed with sunflowers, daisies, and an abundance of greenery.


Wedding Flowers

Chapter 4: Dancing with the Seasons.

  • Spring sings with the delicate notes of ranunculus and anemones, symbolizing anticipation and hope.
  • The abundant energy of summer is mirrored in vibrant cosmos, sunflowers, and agapanthus.
  • Fall’s richness is captured with earthy tones of celosia, astilbe, and the unique texture of thistles.
  • Winter’s calm elegance is reflected in the stark beauty of cotton blooms, hellebores, and pinecones.

Chapter 5: The Florist – The Architect of Floral Dreams

Your florist should be your guide, your collaborator, someone who understands the language of both flowers and hearts, weaving them together to tell your unique love story.

Chapter 6: Blossoms of History – A Journey Through Time and Cultures

The tradition of wedding flowers spans centuries and continents, each culture adding its unique thread to this floral tapestry.

  • In ancient Rome, brides carried herbs and garlic to ward off evil spirits.
  • The Victorian era saw the rise of the language of flowers, where every bloom had a symbolic meaning, crafting bouquets that were messages of love and devotion.
  • In Indian weddings, the use of marigolds, symbolizing the sun and new beginnings, creates a vibrant canopy of gold and orange.
  • In Japanese ceremonies, the delicate sakura (cherry blossom) signifies the beauty and transience of life, echoing the sacredness of marital vows.

Conclusion: Your Floral Symphony

As you weave your way through this garden of choices, remember that your wedding flowers are more than decorations; they are the historical and emotional threads connecting your love story to the tapestry of human experience.

Let them bloom not just on your wedding day, but in the story that you will tell for years to come.

Peter Tesh • Sr. Writer • Last Minute Flowers


Flowers for weddings